Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Hunt & Shoot Network

I've been lucky enough to be able to contribute to Keith Drain's Hunt & Shoot Network with a weekly blog that covers optics. If you like optics and/or Australian hunting and politics, check out the site:


I'd like to set the record straight. On the Predator Masters Forum, I responded to a posting about Wildlife Tech e-callers and said that I was not sure if they were ICC certified but was fairly certain that FoxPro wasn't. A subsequent post by FoxPro pointed out my mistake. They are in fact ICC certified. My mistake. What I should have said was: The last time I checked in Sept. 2009, they were not ICC certified. FoxPro was certified in Oct. 2009, about a month after I last checked. I guess certifying late is better than never certifying at all.

After doing a bit of probing, it turns out that FoxPro seemingly got certified after another company turned them in to the ICC. This was also about a month after I spoke with Steve Dillon and asked him if FoxPro e-callers were certified in Canada. At that point in time, they weren't, and Steve confirmed that to me.
Nonetheless, FoxPro is ICC certified as of late 2009. I still have not seem an ICC sticker on any of their remotes, but I'm sure they must have it on newer production runs. The ICC is a little stingy on that rule!
Anyway, my apologies to FoxPro regarding my statement. I should have re-checked the ICC website before posting my response on the forum. It was a classic case of foot-in-the-mouth on my part. I would have posted an apology on the Predator Masters Forum, but they banned me shortly after I posted it.
I wonder if Predator Masters removes banned users from the members count that they send to potential advertisers. After all, I cannot even go to their website. How are advertisers going to sell product to all those people if they cannot see the site? If all the banned users were counted and subtracted from the member role that Predator Masters sends to advertisers, I wonder how many people would be left?
Anyway, I digress. My humble apologies, FoxPro. Congrats on your ICC certification!

The Rest of the Results

Since my dismissal from PX magazine due to FoxPro, and in light of my recent ban from Predator Masters, also the probable result of FoxPro, I've decided to post the results of my e-caller testing for my E-Call Box column that appeared in PX. Some of the fields are blank, a result of my not finishing all the tests. However, all tests that required some continuity in conditions were completed during the same time period. These results are not quantitative as much as they are qualitative. Use these results as a comparison rather than an absolute value. The test tone I used is different than other tester's tones, and environmental conditions were unique to my test. Different humidity, temperature, elevation, etc. would change these values. However, I did try to control my variables. I even went so far as to find a Fresnel-free zone. You can Google it.

To access the spreadsheet with the testing results, click on the "E-Call Box Testing Results" link on the bottom of the following page: